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Easy and efficient

Everything in one place

All the features you need to gain total visibility and complete control, no matter the industry you’re in.

Orders & quotes

Build and monitor quotes, review the status, assign to team members, view costs and create orders in one place. Attach relevant documentation, drawings and program files for even more clarity.


Submit invoices, view credit notes and access customer and supplier accounts. QCS exports all invoicing and credit notes data to Sage via CSV and can push programmatically to Quickbooks and Xero.

Stock & Inventory

Manage inventory, calibration and maintenance schedule. Check stock and pull through relevant component documentation to make sure everything is captured on dispatch and nothing is missed. 


Manage annual leave, sick and authorised absence. Integrate time logging from clocking in machines and manage and securely store performance reviews.


Never misplace a physical note again, instead create online tickets for traceability. Add tickets, gauge requests and problem notifications, upload files, add a comment thread and keep it private if needed.

NCRs & Concessions

Capture and track NCRs and concessions. Display them on every relevant works order to prevent recurring errors, saving valuable time and money.

A step-by-step guide

How to use QCS Hub

Use QCS Hub how it suits you. To see how the process can work, here’s a step-by-step guide to show how the system can help at each stage of a typical order.

All-in-one system

Accounting Integration options

QCS HUb has everything you need to securely manage your orders and staff. However, if you’d like to integrate with your accounting systems, that’s fine too. We have options to store employee data, track attendance, log time, performance evaluation, API functionality, data importing and reporting. But if you’d rather integrate, QCS Hub works with Sage, Quickbooks and Xero, so you can export invoices, credit notes and purchase orders.




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Request a demo to discover how QCS Hub can better your production system. You’ll receive a demo session and 14-day access to a test version of the software loaded with example orders.
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