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Your questions, answered

Whether you want to know more about QCS Hub or have a specific query that needs answering, we’ve done our best to answer our most common questions. If you’re still unsure, feel free to get in touch with a member of the team directly. They know the system inside out, so you’ll be in the best hands.

Is our data safe?  QCS QCS

Yes, we have multiple systems in place to keep your data safe from Two-Factor-Authentication to firewalls. Head over to our security page for more information.

What if we don’t like it after implementation? QCS QCS

QCS Hub is a rolling subscription, so if you change your mind you can cancel at any time. But if you’re not happy, get in touch with us and we’ll talk through your concerns.

Do I have to pay for updates? QCS QCS

The annual support contract includes updates as well as support.

Will I have to re-write my quality manual?  QCS QCS

Yes, but this doesn’t have to be a huge overhaul, it will mainly consist of wording tweaks.

Can we be AS 9100 compliant? QCS QCS

Yes, if used in conjunction with a suitable QMS.

Do we need to make a large IT investment? QCS QCS

No, there will be some costs, but it scales with the size of the company so this will always be relatively small.

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